archivirus in
01.04.2013 visited the exhibition 'ΙΔΑΝΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΚΑΙΝΙΣΗ 2013' that took place at Texnopolis-Gazi in Athens, during 8-10 of March. Archivirus was there and Athanasia Psaraki talks about one of their recent projects 'bring the light in'.
The project ' bring the light in' participates in the exhibition "ΙΔΑΝΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΚΑΙΝΙΣΗ 2013"
7th BIENNALE of Young Greek Architects
archivirus is participating in the 7th Biennale of Young Greek Architects
with the ramp house project.

tony hawk and friends checked the ramp house!!!!
An unexpected email hit the archivirus' inbox on August 7th.It was a guy named Jesse Fritsch co-producer of the production company He was asking if it was possible to skate the ramp house with the Legendary skateboarder Tony Hawk.Of course the answer was YES!!!The event took place like a flash...15.00 the first call-16.00 the date-20 minutes sk8-18.00 flight to Santorini island.Thanks guys for your quick visit!!!

we are happy to announce the results of the
that will take place on December
at Benaki Museum in Athens,Greece.
'the ramp house' will be there!
facelift process
archivirus is comissioned the facelift process
of a recently built single family house
in Kamatero, Athens.
The clients being unhappy with the result
asked for some help to
get some satisfaction in the end...
let's do our best not to disappoint them!
Greek Architecture Panorama 2012
archivirus is exhibiting 'divorced houses'
in “Greek Architecture Panorama 2012”
organized by DOMES International Review of Architecture.
The exhibition opens at 7pm on the 12th May at Technopolis Gkazi, Athens as part of Design Lab.

danae project
archivirus is commisioned the renovation of a single family house in Voula.
the construction is on!
stay tuned...

BHMADECO, a monthly magazine
about interior design and furniture, embeded
in a weekly issued greek newspaper ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ
presents the ramp house.
Don't miss the latest issue on 19th of February.
Join us on Tuesday, February 7th, at 20:00, at the New Benaki Museum, for the opening of the 14FR/21GR Exhibition.
'the ramp house' is featured among work
from 14 French and 21 young Greek architects.
a video shoot took place for first time
in the ramp house,
filmed and edited by ronny skevis,
will be shown in public.
don't miss it!!

14F/21 GR
archivirus is invited to participate in the
''14F/21 GR'' Exhibit,
that will take place in the beginning of February at Benaki Museum.
For more info stay tuned...
archivirus and aronis-signed showroom
participated in the exhibition
'ΙΔΑΝΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΚΑΙΝΙΣΗ 2013' with the project 'bring the light in'.
check out some photos!

7th Biennale of Young Greek Architects
the opening of the
7th Biennale of Young Greek Architects
took place on 21st of November
at Benaki Museum.
the ramp house was there!!

Greek Architecture Panorama 2012 at Design Lab
archivirus participated with the project
'divorced houses' at the
"Greek Architecture Panorama 2012"
exhibition which took place on 12-14th of May at
Technopolis Gkazi, Athens as part of Design Lab.

The opening of the 14F/21GR Exhibition
took place on 7th of February.
'the ramp house' was featured among
really interesting projects.
The exhibition reveals the limits of
architectural practice through photographs,
physical models and digital screenings.
The crowd was big and the works worth seeing...

archivirus was invited to exhibit work at the exhibition with the theme index_arch[gr] which was organized by the annual assembly of 400 architecture students (EASA), which takes place over a two week period every August. Index_arch[gr] took place at Eleusina from 22nd of July till 5th of August in 2007 and aimed to highlight and expose the work of young Greek architects.

archivirus is an experimental notion conceived by athanasia psaraki in 2006. it focuses on architecture and design and operates through research, experimentation and on-going dialogues with the surrounding environment. This interdisciplinary research initiative is concerned with all stages of building process, from conceptual ideas till material organization across all scales of design, thought and practice.
a r c h i t e c t u r e i s l i k e a v i r u s
i t d e p e n d s o n o t h e r l i v i n g c e l l s
f o r i t s r e p r o d u c t i o n a n d g r o w t h
athanasia psaraki
t: +30 210 9850089
cp: +30 6977983715
a: 23 Aretis st., 166 74, Athens, Greece
client : PROTEAS Α.Ε. – DΟΜΕΣ
location: skroponeri eboias – greece
architectural design: archivirus in collaboration with efi psiachoulia
date: 2006
escape into the landscape ‘’Cosimo Piovasco di Rondo – lived in trees – always loved earth – went into sky.’’ by Italo Calvino ‘The Baron in the Trees’
it is a surreal story that inspired us to investigate, discover and finally create spatial relations between man and nature. In an era where man constantly tries to escape from the hard reality, a residential complex in a virgin landscape, only a few kilometers outside Athens, can actually bring man closer to nature rather than just become one more luxury touristic development. the basic concept of our proposal is the tree as a living organism as well as the spatial relations which can create with the land, the water and the sky. taking this into account we proposed a route starting from the peninsula, which is the lower point(the routes), continues to the main body and elevates gradually till it reaches the higher point where the residences are located(the leaves). in that way the whole complex becomes alive and grows through a number of functions which take place in a network of primary and secondary arteries with man being the protagonist. following that route the residents and the visitors have the chance to live the pulse of a living organism becoming themselves an inseparable part of it. in addition the whole route offers multiple visual and spatial escapes. In the lower point(the peninsula), are located a marine, decks for fishing, a skate park as well as a small floating theater which offers a visual escape towards the bay. continuing the elevation, on the right and left from the main body of the route, are located all the commercial functions such as hotels, restaurants, bars etc. it is really interesting that all the above functions are located in a lower level from the main circulation axis that gives the chance for a first experience between land and sky. the transition to the lower level is succeeded through smoother or steeper ramps, which are also the basic construction elements of that pedestrian bridge. continuing the route and reaching the point where the land morphology allows the maximum elevation above the earth, two big squares are morphed, which give the impression that hang over the sea. in the same level and towards the hill are located an arts workshop and an exhibition space while a bit further up we propose farming lands. finally, immediately after the farmlands starts a personal adventurous elevation route to the residences where the contact with the sky is the basic experience. the residences are designed with ridable roofs on a cantilever, visual escapes towards the bay and the possibility for isolation to whom they need it. additionally inside the residences, is taking place, a similar process to photosynthesis. The rainwater becomes the basic element of the residences which passes through them and some of it is gathered in central vessels for house usage while the rest of it comes out, creating small waterfalls. in conclusion an independent artery starts from the upper level of the road to end up in underground parking areas. In that way priority is given to the pedestrian so he can feel the pulses of the landscape.